Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Rhinebeck Wardrobe Update

In the spirit of true femininity (oh, watch me guppy to the stereotype), I am changing my mind about what I will be wearing Saturday, for all you Rhinebeck Bingo players who may be interested.

When Shanny called last night and said, "Come on down and see if we can make last call,"* I was already, well... naked and ready for bed. So I threw on the coziest, easiest thing my eyes fell upon and I thought, "This is what I should wear for Rhinebeck."

It has so little to do with fibre, but is comfy, warm and distinctive.

I will be wearing my Hurley Midgets sweatshirt (giant, heather grey, black and orange lettering... kinda like Erin here) and my orange tennies, thus:

I will, as promised, be carrying my Delores Van Hoofen limited edition tote bag that proudly proclaims, "I'm a square!"

I'll be the one singing, "I Feel Pretty," or maybe, "I Enjoy Being a Girl," or, "I Feel Pretty"...

*I feel I should point out to anyone not a regular that this is not so much an alcoholic thing as a "cut me some slack my team won the Pennant" thing. See posts below.

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