Saturday, March 24, 2007

There's a Bar!

This is Favourite Bar.

This is Chris, most Favourite Bartender.**

This is Kelly and Sanza-the-DJ

This is Chris and Kelly and Sanza-the-DJ

This is me and Chris.

Welcome to Friday Night, AntiM Style.

[SUMMARY: You want a summary? There are only 31 words in this entire post! There's more verbiage in this summary than the rest of the post combined. Perhaps I need to refresh myself on the definition of "summary."]

**FOOTNOTE (asterisked): You now have three out of five favourite bartenders. Collect them all! Trade with your friends!

**FOOTNOTE (unasterisked): How many chins does one girl need? There are poor girls in the Third World who have no chins at all. I am an ugly American.

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